Eudialyte with showoff Fluorescent minerals 2in Egg


Eudialyte,  Mosanrite, Agrellite, Gittinsite Feldspar Aegerine Kipawa, Quebec Canada 49.8x 36.5mm 1.2109 2 x 1.5 inches   Collected by miners in Kipawa a very remote area. All rare earth minerals and Agrellite and Feldspar are fluorescent. Underlined is fluorescent.

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Andalusite, Minas Gerais, Brazil 58mm Egg
Otter Lake Apatite brown with green zones Otter Lake Ontario, Canada Egg
Argillite Globe, AZ 54.5x40.6mm Egg
Chrysocolla, Shattuckite, Mexico Egg 1_4 for an Arizona addition to a Collector's Mineral Display
Petoskey Stone, Michigan Fossil Egg 1 5/8x 1 1/4 inches for a Fossil or Mineral Collector 1.2098